Friday, October 11, 2019

Parasha Ha'azinu & Sermon: The price is Right

Shalom and Blessings

This has been a glorious and spirit filled High Holy Day season at the kehilah (congregation) in Nairobi. Yom Teruah was totally inspiring and both Erev (evening) and Day services were filled with the power and presence of God. Yom Kippur revealed the Awesomeness of God, as His presence was felt in both services. Our kehilah here had never experienced a Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur as they experienced this year. We pray that we have set an example for them for all the coming years until Messiah returns.

We are having tremendous success with our Bible study on the Book of Ecclesiastes, as the Lord opens up new understand of King Solomon's wisdom for us. During the waiting period between the end of the Yom Kippur service and the start of the Ne'ilah service I was able to continue the study, which we began the Wednesday night before. We will be continuing teaching every Wednesday night until we have covered the entire book and then if necessary we will start another study as God leads. Ellen and I are committed to growing those who are willing, spiritually.

This Sunday we leave for Karatina, a rural city to the north of Nairobi, to celebrate Sukkot with the kehilah there and with the fellowships which have sprung up in the surrounding area of Mt. Kenya. We have not been able to buy an Etrog here, the local synagogue in Nairobi only had sufficient for them. However, we can cut our own Lulov (palm tree heart), willow branches and use another aromatic plant in place of myrtle, which is not available here. We will have to substitute the Etrog for a large lemon.

We were once again able to bless the orphanage compound in Migori with funds to construct a new septic tank. The old one was just a hole in the ground which was unsanitary, contaminated their well water and was very problematic. The new tank will be constructed of concrete with reinforcing steel covered with a concrete lid so that it can be pumped out and the contents hauled away and properly disposed of, in accordance with the Ministry of Health's requirements. It also brings the orphanage compound one step closer to being compliant. We have also received estimates for the purchase of school books and supplies for the children. Even though we have not as yet accumulated the total amount necessary, we will be sending what we have so at least the teachers, who are volunteers, can accommodate some of the classes.

We thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping facilitate this ministry in Kenya and most of all we thank you for your prayerful support. God is hearing you and He's blessing!

Attached you will find this week's D'Var Torah (commentary), on Parasha Ha'azinu as well as a link to the sermon I shared with the congregations in Nairobi and Karatina on Yom Kippur Day.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

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