Friday, October 18, 2019

Parasha Sukkot

Shalom and blessings;

Ellen and I are doing well, God is with us and we are accomplishing much for His Glory. The Erev Sukkot services we held in Karatina were a delight. It was a new experience for everyone including me and Ellen. Sukkot Day Service was also a blessing and well attended. Many people from the surrounding areas, Believers, joined us and the presence of the Lord moved in the hearts of all, as we prayed, sang, rejoiced and recited the devotions from the PowerPoint. Everyone willing had an opportunity to shake the Lulav that we assembled from a palm heart we brought from Migori (palm trees do not grow in or around Karatina), rosemary instead of myrtle and a large lemon in-place of an Etrog. After services we all went to Amos and Ruthie's home to share a typical Kenyan meal (milk tea, gipate, mandazie, boiled arrowroot and local fruits). Amos had erected a sukkah and of course we spent time in it praying, and taking pictures. I have included some below. 

Our Wednesday night Bible study is proceeding well as we delve into the Book of Ecclesiastes, verse by verse.

Yesterday we went to a local hospital to pray for the brother of one of our congregants who experienced kidney failure and a lung infection. Please keep Philip and his wife Lucy in your prayers. Philip came to the Lord during our last trip here; however, his wife Lucy has still not made that commitment. 

This week we plan on starting home visitations to pray over homes and affix Mezzuahs on doorposts.

Next Shabbat, the 26th, we will be having a Bat Mitzvah at the Kehila in Nairobi. Please keep Eunice, known in Israel as Efrat, in prayer. I will send pictures with next week's update. 

Ellen and I continue to pray for you and thank you for your prayers and financial support, together we are making a difference here in Kenya. 

Remember to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

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