Sunday, October 6, 2019

Parsha Vayelech & Sermon: The Rock is Back

Shalom and blessings;

Ellen and I are doing well, God is moving through us and with us, opening doors that we could never have opened on our own. I will explain more as things unfold.

Last week I mentioned the 4 new salvation's we had while at the orphanage in Migori but I neglected to mention their names so that you can pray for them. Please remember James, Yosef, Norman and Miriam in your prayers.

The Yom Teruah services were blessed and a blessing. We thank God for the turnout and the wonderful move of the spirit as we had corporate repentance and worship. 

I've attached a link to the sermon I gave Monday, Yom Teruah day as well as a link to a video from Erev Yom Teruah. Also find attached the D'var Torah commentary for this week's Parasha, Vayelech.

Last Shabbat was great and this week we begin our Bible study series on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ellen and I can not express the joy we have in celebrating the Feasts of the Lord and teaching here in Kenya. We send you our love and appreciation,

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Remember to check out our blog:

 Read Parasha

 Listen to Sermon

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