Friday, November 1, 2019

Parasha Noach

Shalom and blessings;

Time seems to be flying by; we have only 19 days left in Kenya. Even though we have accomplished much, there is still much to do. We continue to have weekly Shabbat services and Bible studies with the Nairobi congregation. The Karatina congregation is participating by way of listening over WhatsApp, which is followed up by sending them the audio recordings. Right now we are organizing a Passover Seder by working on venues as well as finances for the event. This Sunday we were invited back to a small church in the working class suburb of Kayole. It is not a place where Ellen and I can go alone so we are bringing an Elder from Kehilah Melech Yisrael (KMY) with us. Please pay that we will be a blessing. Previously I sent a video of the congregation and its location from when we visited in February.

Last week Ellen’s cell phone malfunctioned and we had to bring it in for repair. Ellen and I prayed that the Lord would lead us to the perfect repair shop. We were directed by a friend to the Samsung store at a nearby mall, but they did not have a tech on staff and we were redirected to another store some distance away. Then we noticed a kiosk that advertised phone repair; the owner turned out to be an expat Israeli from Eilat; God is so good!

Now that the High Holy Days are over we have been doing home visitations for the purpose of praying with and for the members of KMY. We have been anointing homes and affixing mezuzahs on doorposts. It is customary in Kenya to feed your guests, and it is taken as an insult if you refuse their food. We try to visit multiple homes in one day so you can imagine that we are well fed by the end of the day. Travelling is also a challenge because of poor road conditions and is some cases no road at all, just a mud path. Plus we have to rely on Uber to get us around; security is also an issue and we always bring a local member of KMY with us.

The orphanage received their school books and was so blessed. Once we are able to supply them with books for their upper grades, we were told by the directors that they will apply for recognition from the local office of the Board of Education. Please pray for God to release the finances necessary for more books and that the school will find favor with the local authorities. I have attached pictures.

Michael, the elderly man who was attacked by thugs last week, lived up to his promise and attended services on Shabbat. It was a new experience for him because we were celebrating Efrat becoming Bat Mitzvah. Efrat did beautifully. She chanted the Haftarah blessings in Hebrew and then read her Haftarah portion in English. We were all so proud of her. Please pray that she will continue to grow in her faith and in her relationship with Yeshua; pictures attached.

We are so appreciative of your prayers and financial support. In our small way we are all making a BIG difference. May God bless you for it! If you know of anyone that may appreciate reading about what we are doing in Kenya and would like to receive my Torah commentaries, ask permission and send me their email address and we will add them to our e-contact list; TODA (Thank You).

Checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

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