Thursday, November 14, 2019

Parasha Vayera

Shalom and blessings;

This is our final Shabbat in Kenya. We hit the ground in ministering and having Erev Shabbat with an Elder couple of the congregation in, Limuru a suburb of Nairobi. On Shabbat we ministered at the Nairobi congregation. That Sunday we drove seven hours to the orphanage over treacherous roads. There we blessed, prayed, ministered, taught, played with the children and inspected that the donations we gave them were used for the purposes intended. While there we had 4 confirmed new salvations and 30 rededications among the children. After our time in Migori we drove back another seven hours to Nairobi, where we presided over Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur services, as well as Shabbat services. Sukkot services were held In Karatina Town located two and a half hours north of Nairobi in the foot hills of Mt. Kenya. We had an amazing time there as people from the surrounding fellowships in Nyeri and Chaka joined with us for services and to shake our makeshift Lulov and Etrog (a large lemon). Back in Nairobi we started visiting congregation member’s homes praying over them, affixing mezuzahs, fellowshipping, eating and blessing the families. We took a segway one Sunday and visited a church in the suburb of Kayole. The congregation was such an encouragement and the praise and worship although loud was uplifting. I have attached a video clip so that you can experience it for yourself. The balance of our time in Nairobi has been taken up with Bible study, Shabbat services, more visitation and personal counseling. At one of the homes we visited both mother and son was celebrating their birthdays. We brought a cake and experienced a Kenyan tradition that was new for us; I’ve attached pictures.

I am writing this update after teaching our final Bible study, it is 10:45 pm here, Ellen is sleeping, and I’m lamenting having to leave these wonderful people. As I look back over the weeks, I’m amazed at what God has accomplished through us this trip. With His help we have been a spiritual blessing to many and with your help we have been a financial blessing to many – thank you. Please continue to pray for the Messianic Believers in Kenya, they need our help and support.

Passover plans have been finalized, we have prepared a flier which we will be sending to select churches and Christian friends of the congregation, inviting them to join us and experience a real traditional Passover; I’ve attached a copy of the flier. 

Ellen and I are anxious to get back home. During this scary and difficult time in Israel, with rockets being fired from Gaza by the hundreds, we have attempted to minister to our unsaved friends over WhatsApp. Nothing, however, is a substitute for us being there, hugging them comforting them and encouraging them in the Lord. Please continue to pray for Israel, her people and the Jewish people in general, without Yeshua in their lives, they have no hope.

God willing, next week’s D’var Torah will be sent from Israel. Remember to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings.

All our love

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

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