Shalom and blessings;
Listen to "Elul a month to reflect"
Our return to Israel has been anything but quiet. Since we have been home there have been 2-3 violations of the cease fire agreement with the Islamic Jihad and last night (Nov. 26), at midnight, the sirens went off in our city sending us scurrying to our safe room. In the morning we found out that a rocket landed on a building under construction. Thank God, because of the late hour no one was at the site, the building however sustained damage.
I started my series of follow-up cancer doctor visits. The first one was with the ENT doctor, followed by a visit to the oncologist, both gave me a clean bill of health; all glory belongs to God. In December I will be 2 ½ years cancer free; PRAISE THE LORD. My life has truly been a testimony to the faithfulness of God. I went from stage four malignant throat cancer, to being miraculously healed, to getting a second chance at ministering for the Lord in Kenya; what an awesome God we serve!
Moses from Liberia attended services on Shabbat at Melech Yisrael Nairobi with a friend as promised. We communicated over WhatsApp that evening and all indication is that they both enjoyed the services and will be returning. We look forward to hearing more from them. Our meeting Moses was definitely a divine appointment. Please pray for Moses and Joshua.
We have a number of things in the works for Kenya, first is the Passover Seder; it is proceeding nicely. Ellen and I are finalizing our travel dates for our return trip to Kenya and are busy looking for comfortable but inexpensive accommodations in Karatina and Nairobi. We are about to commission the building of a website for the Nairobi and Karatina congregations (one site for both). There are many congregations in Kenya that call themselves Messianic, but are not, which have websites. Now with the help of donations, we have the means to build our own site so that those who are looking for true Messianic Jewish congregations can find us. Please pray for God's wisdom in building the site. Next week, God willing, we will be sending the orphanage the funds necessary to buy school books for the upper 3 grades. The timing works out perfectly, schools are on summer break in Kenya and because of your generosity books will now be available for all grades when classes resume in January.
At our own expense, Ellen and I will be travelling to the States to represent Kenya at the annual International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues Rabbi's Conference in January. You will recall that Melech Yisrael applied and was accepted as members; a big step forward in our legitimacy and accountability. Of course we will also be taking the opportunity to stay and visit with family and friends. We will be sharing Yeshua with everyone who will listen as we travel so lease pray for a safe and successful journey.
I have attached additional links to audio copies of sermons shared while in Kenya; pass them on if you like them. Also check out our Blog and pass on the teachings.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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Read the Parasha |
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Listen to "Elul a month to reflect" |
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Listen to "Living Water" |
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Listen to "Measuring your trust in God" |
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