From Rabbi Jack...
Romans {7:23} "but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. {7:24} What a wretched man I am!...
Satan's utmost desire is to desensitize us to sin. He does it in many ways. One such way is Relativism. Relativism teaches that morality is relative to the morals of what society finds acceptable at a specific time in history. It says that morality, like civil laws, change. Take for instance laws that applied to horses and carriages. These laws no longer have application in the age of automobiles and have been replaced and updated to apply to a car society.
Therefore, Satan uses relativism to say that what may have been immoral 2000 years ago is not necessarily immoral today in our progressive, modern, liberated society. It is because of Satan's use of relativism that we are now seeing the rise of homosexuality, and transgenderism and other morally objectionable immoral standards. We must recognize that relativism is not from God and is a tactical lie from Satan, the father of lies. Biblical morality is as valid today as it was 6000 years ago.
Another of Satan's pet sin desensitizing tactics is materialism. Sadly, much of the church today has fallen hook-line and sinker for this one. Satan uses materialism to take our minds and the emphasis off our relationship with God and place it on objects. Money, finances, getting and spending become more important to us than serving the Lord. I do not think I have to tell you that he is very successful with this one. However, a faith in Messiah Yeshua that is properly functioning will have the ability to resist these tactics of Satan.
Romans {7:24} "…Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? {7:25} Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Messiah Yeshua our Lord!"
Hi Ellen here…
Do you always have to have a project? Do you always need to have a plan? Do you always need to be needed? Do you feel guilty when you are just sitting down without a clue what to do?
No, this is not another Mary and Martha message but I do think it is worth sharing…so let us talk about the above questions.
Being in Kenya for the last month and a half has been somewhat challenging in that I just cannot grab my car keys and dash out for some groceries. Each outing has to be planned so we are able to, not only achieve the things we need to do but also to be aware of how the Holy Spirit is leading us. We have discovered in this new neighborhood where we are residing that some of our familiar destinations are not as far as we thought, hence lots of walking exercise and we say AMEN to that! On the flipside walking to is great but then walking back needs to be planned. On the off days that we are not scheduled or invited somewhere we have the need to feel needed so we make ourselves busy…Jack with creating and researching for sermons and other written material and me, well I will cook or clean. As I was doing and witnessing all the above, I believe that the Ruach, the Holy Spirit said; "STOP!" But I thought the trash still needs to go out and dinner has to be refined and oh-my, the floor can be cleaner and…but then I heard; "Be still and know that I am God!" Then as I thought of creating a new and tasty dessert I heard; "Take My yoke, it is easy and My burden is light." Do we really listen to that sweet, small voice or do we leap ahead and get busy? Today I will not take on a project. Today if anyone needs me, just text or call. Today I will sit back and rest awhile. Why not join me…?
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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