From Rabbi Jack...
Exodus {20:12} "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you."
It is obvious from this fifth commandment that God places special emphasis and importance on honoring parents. However, I want to suggest that honor needs to go beyond just parents. One of the things that impresses us in Kenya is the honor given to older people. In giving this commandment God is telling us that honoring someone, giving honor, is a good thing.
Bestowing honor is not something we are born with; it is something which is taught and learned and parents have the responsibility to teach this trait to their children. One of the ways I honored my father is by never calling him by his first name. I honored the elderly by offering them my seat on the bus, holding a door open for them, or giving them priority in a queue.
Often when I counseled a person about honoring their parents they would tell me, "If you knew my dad and how he treated me and my mother, you wouldn't be telling me to honor him!" My answer was twofold. First, I would point out that the commandment to honor your father or mother said nothing about doing it only if they were model parents. Second, I would ask, when they got up to offer an elderly person a seat on the bus, how do they know if that person was a model parent, that they did not beat their wife and abandon their children?
Honor is right and will eventually be repaid with honor; in fact, it is more than right it is a command of the Lord that we all need to keep.
Hi Ellen here…
Jack and I are so blessed!!! We know God is working because the older we grow in years the more He gives us to do. Sometimes when we are ministering to some, we think that there is nothing happening, only God knows!
I believe we have mentioned it before but I will reiterate…many in Kenya live together without getting married, whether it be tribal or just complacency. Jack and I share that when one is born again, he remains Kenyan but his or her life changes dramatically. Culture and tradition are no longer the norm but following Yeshua and obeying the commandments becomes second to none.
So here we are with just three Shabbats left and we have officiated at a Brit Milah, many house blessings, many salvations, many immersions, and probably two couples will be married soon. We have found a home for the congregation but have not received confirmation yet so we may no longer have to dwell in a temporary place, hallelujah! In addition, we are leaving for Western Kenya, Migori, this Sunday for a visit to the orphanage compound, we are so excited. God is so good, all of the time. Please pray that we will not look with natural eyes but strive to see with our Father's eyes. More next week. Our love to you all!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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