Song of Solomon {2:15} "Her Brothers Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes."
We are now in month of Elul, the month of introspection in preparation for the repentance involved in Rosh Hashanah. Each day of our lives presents more challenges and yes, we continue to have those foxes in our vineyards that spoil our peace. Personal conflicts, outside attacks, self-inflicted woes and worries pull us down as if we are drowning. “Drowning? But we are new creations!” Yes, we are new creations, but we are also still flesh and therefore, are affected by negative things going on around us. It is bad enough having to deal with stuff during the years but it seems like during the month of Elul the Lord stirs up the things in our lives that He desires for us to release and be delivered from. Please do not let your flesh and the evil one get the better of you during this month of self-revelation, do not give in but continue praising the Lord, giving Him thanks for His mercy and compassion in allowing us to know that we are not perfect, and that we desperately need Him.
Often, I have heard someone pray, “Lord, hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” I have wondered if the motive of their prayer was spiritual or if they were really meaning, “Lord, hide me so I cannot see myself or so that others cannot see who I really am.” If we take the time to truly examine ourselves, Elul can be a magnificent time in our believing walk with the Lord. It can be a time of cleansing, purifying and reaching new and higher levels in the understanding of God in our lives. Remember, however, higher levels mean bigger devils. When we get closer to God evil forces attempt to get closer to us. So, it is good during the month of Elul to step up our devotional and prayer life. Particularly, not to put off saying “I am sorry” or immediately repenting of the sin we just committed. Ask God for deliverance from the sins of rolling our eyes, mockery and rebuking and embarrassing others in public. This month of Elul be refreshed and renewed in the victory God has promised us! |
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4-NIV)
Judas Iscariot was not from God and Yeshua knew this from the beginning of time. You ask how I know this? I know this by the Spirit of God and knowing the Word. God choreographed everything from the beginning of time to set up the death and resurrection of our Messiah Yeshua.
Yeshua allowed Judas Iscariot to have a very prominent position among the twelve apostles; as treasurer for the mission. Yeshua knew He would be “turned in” by Judas with a kiss on the cheek. When Mary Magdalene poured the costly ointment on Yeshua this apostle was angered because of the waste of money. Judas Iscariot was the only one of the twelve that was from Judea. Judas appeared to be a sincere and committed worker. Who would have guessed that this man would sell out our Messiah for just 30 pieces of silver. I am sure you have all read the account of what I have written but it came into my mind that a woman, a sinner at that, spared no expense in honoring her Messiah yet a disciple and so-called follower of Yeshua plotted His death for the price of a potter’s field.
Now, to go back to the beginning where I quoted 1 John 4…We need to be careful at all times as Believers. You know the old saying, “All that glitters is not gold”. When things look too good to be true but there is no fruit, we need to test the spirit! We need to ask and not be ashamed if Yeshua is truly their Lord and Savior! I know that some of you are thinking that they look so good. They attend services, pick people up and take people home, help the needy and do all sorts of good works! But I say to you today, that having one Mary Magdalene is better than 30 Judas Iscariots.
Now ask this question of yourself…Is there the spirit of Judas in your life or congregation or family? Test the spirits!! |
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)
Rabbi Jack & Ellen |
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