Thursday, August 17, 2023

Parsha Shoftim (Judges)

from Rabbi Jack… Bible link

Habakkuk {3:17} Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines, {though} the yield of the olive should fail, and the fields produce no food, though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no cattle in the stalls. {3:18} Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.

Notice that Habakkuk does not say “THEN” will I rejoice in the Lord; he says “YET”, I will rejoice. Can we say, “Yet I will still rejoice in the Lord” when we see disaster looming in our lives?

Celebrations are times of great rejoicing and gladness. But no one ever, at least no one I have ever known, rejoices and celebrates defeat and destruction. We celebrate weddings, anniversaries, graduations and job promotions, but we never celebrate defeat and destruction. Yet Habakkuk had the courage to celebrate and rejoice in the Lord even though he knew defeat and destruction were on their way. He may have had every reason to fold up his tent and cry, but he decided to rejoice instead.

Sometimes, as Believers we have to look around us and find a reason for a celebration. It should be easy. We just have to think back to the goodness of Yeshua and all that He has done for us. Sometimes, we need to stop and count our blessings and realize that there are so many people that are in worse situations than we. We have to look beyond the temporary setbacks in our lives and see the permanent fellowship we have with our almighty God. It is easy to see the evidence of our faith as a Believer when everything is going our way, when positive things are happening to us. However, “talking faith” and “having faith” are two different things. Talking faith is when we boast about having faith but inside we are falling apart and instead of celebrating we complain about how hard our life is and how God has shut His ear to us.

Not every day will be wonderful for us but as Believers our faith in God should see us through the sorrows, sickness and tragedies which happen and are a normal part of life. As Believers in Messiah Yeshua, we can still celebrate by rejoicing in our salvation and keep on rejoicing in our salvation, knowing that God is in control.
Not every day will be wonderful for us but as Believers our faith in God should see us through the sorrows, sickness and tragedies which happen and are a normal part of life. As Believers in Messiah Yeshua, we can still celebrate by rejoicing in our salvation and keep on rejoicing in our salvation, knowing that God is in control.

from Ellen… Bible link

I am sorry to remind us time and time again, BUT ARE YOU READING THE DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN? I wrote this sentence in capitals because I am shouting it! Since the beginning of the Book of Isaiah Jack and I have questioned, marveled and been astonished at the words we have read. We must keep in mind that these are not just words but the voice of the Almighty God Himself speaking through them! Chapter 45 just blew me away. God is telling us that He forms light and creates darkness and that He makes peace and creates calamity and that He, the Lord does ALL things. These are sobering words. Are you walking in light or living in darkness? Are you at peace in your life or is everyday filled with calamity? Have you made your job, your children for that matter an idol in your life? Are you truly walking in obedience or just getting by? I do not know about you but I fall so short of the glory of God and have to work it out moment by moment.

Sorry to dump all this on you but if you are not reading the Word and coming to God for everything then I am afraid for you. The month of Elul is this week. This is a very profound time in a Messianic Believer’s life, a time of repentance, a time of introspection to know who we really are! I pray for those who live from excuse to excuse. I pray for those who literally live in a revolving door and cannot get out. We need to strive to walk straight on that narrow path God Himself has set before us. I pray for the wives that worship on their own and do not join with their spouses and for the husbands who do the same – Remember those of you who are in rebellion will be humiliated and possibly be cut off from the family of God by God Himself! Are you reading the headlines? Time is short, this world is a mess. Are you sure that when you stand before God on that final day and He asks you why He should let you into Heaven that He will let you in! Let’s pray!!!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


read parasha
parasha commentary
Sermon of the week: Kingdoms in Conflict

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