Thursday, August 10, 2023

Parsha Re'eh (See)

from Rabbi Jack… Bible link

Matthew {5:37} "But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." When Yeshua tells us that our YES should be YES and our NO, NO He is explaining that we are not to commit ourselves and then not do what we have committed to do. At a job interview, the interviewer tells the prospective employee the job description and requirements. They would include, besides other things, the salary, work hours and what the company expects from the prospective employee. If the prospect says YES to the job description, the company requirements and expectations and is hired, they have made a vow to do what they said YES to. They have obligated themselves to the employer and must fulfill all that they agree to. The prospective employee could have just as easily said NO if they did not agree with the terms and conditions of the job and walked away under good terms and with no obligation. However, with a YES, Yeshua tells us a Believer must mean YES! So, if the employee does not fulfil the job requirements to which they said YES to, they would be fired. Worse yet, from what we read in Matthew 5:37, they will come under condemnation from God because their YES was not Yes and they made a vow which they did not keep. This 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and 'No, No’ does not only apply to the workplace, it applies to every area of our lives, even volunteer work, especially when we say YES to doing something for the Lord. As Believers we live by a different standard than the world. Unbelievers make commitments that most of the time they do not keep. Their YES often turns out to be NO, MAYBE or an EXCUSE. If God holds a Believer accountable for a YES they said at a job interview, how much more will He hold them accountable for a YES when it concerns doing something in His service. God holds us accountable for every word that proceeds from our mouth. Therefore, we need to think twice before saying YES to anything. That way, we will save ourselves a whole lot of consequences if we end up not doing what we said YES to. Matthew {12:36} "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment."

from Ellen… Bible link

Erev Shabbat is one of my favorite times. I have prepared the home in cleanliness and order; laundry is finished and folded ready to be placed in the cupboard.

Sometimes minutes before lighting the candles I turn from the Shabbat table, which has been set so beautifully, look around, take a deep breath and thank the Lord for all He has helped me to accomplish. Please know that I do not do any of these things for my glory but to glorify our Lord who has given us this piece of time to celebrate with Him and with those joining us. There are times when Jack and I are alone and we enter with the same countenance as if there are many people at the table. The menu may not be Michelin five star but it’s pleasing and satisfying. Why am I saying all this, surely not to burden you with fine china or special foods but to tell you what an honor it is to invite the light of the Lord into our homes on the very day He has set apart for us. This time of worship also sets the tone for the Shabbat day when we serve on Zoom to praise the Lord and tabernacle with the Congregations abroad. You know God has not commanded us to light Shabbat candles. We do it symbolically inviting His Light into our home on Shabbat. I think of some in Kenya that might not have the provisions to do as we do but it can still be a time of worship with sitting as a family enjoying a bowl of freshly made greens and chapati, my favorite! I implore you to remember this time as God remembers us in love. I ask you all to not glory in yourselves but give all glory to HIM! I pray that you will avail yourselves to the Spirit of God Who saved you and honor HIM! I hope that we all will be prepared as we do not know the hour or the day of His coming so we will be found worshiping Him. This is why I explained a little of how we prepare for Erev Shabbat, our Friday evening meal and service to God, not for any credit but for a countenance of preparation because the King is coming…

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


read parasha
parasha commentary
Sermon of the week: Envy, A Tool Of Satan

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