Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Parasha Bechukotai

Shalom and Blessings from Kenya;

Ellen and I are continuing our ministering in Nairobi, Karatina and the surrounding areas. Tomorrow (Thursday) morning we leave for Migori to minister with fledgling Messianic believers there. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us. Please pray for; travelling mercies. protection from malaria and tzetze flies and of course God's blessings upon us and upon those we will be ministering to.

We have attached two pictures; one of the service we held in Karatina and the other, of me heading out immersion certificates to the people we immersed during our previous trip in February.

Thank You for your prayers and for sowing into the work we are doing in Africa.

 Read Parasha

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Parasha Bahar

Shalom and Blessings from Kenya; 

We are well into our ministering here and the Lord has blessed us abundantly. Here is a review of what we have been doing. We ministered 2 Shabbats at the congregation we helped planted in Nairobi; helped negotiate a larger temporary location for them; been teaching two Bible studies a week; participated in the march for Israel where Morris, a street boy came to salvation; attended a church in a very underprivileged area of Nairobi (Kyole), where I was able to share the truth about what's taking place in Israel. As a result the pastor committed that the congregation would start praying for Israel, Baruch HaShem! We traveled to Karatina where we spent three day, from Erev Shabbat to Sunday ministering and teaching. It's here that God gained two beautiful souls; Ann and Naomi who is 98; glory to God! I've attached their pictures below. In addition 12 people rededicated their lives to Yeshua. When we left Karatina we went to visit the home of two congregants where we prayed and and affixed mezuzot on their doors, pictures also attached. We will be ministering in Nairobi this Shabbat then we'll be travelling approximately 5 hours west to Miguri where I'll be sharing, preaching and teaching to pastors in the area, who were formally associated with the cult, Church Of God. Our main focus there will be with Pastor Evans who will be our host. His church is very active and it's there where we'll be visiting with the orphans his church cares for. Please keep us in prayer, this is a notorious malaria area.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sermon - Breaking Generation Curses

Parasha Emor

Yesterday we participated in an Israel Independence Day walk here in Nairobi. It was hosted by the African Transformers Youth Association. Many local churches participated in the march which was repeat with both Israel flags, Kenyan flags and speeches affirming the Kenyan Christian community's love and support for Israel. I had the honor to be invited to address the group and recite the Aaronic Benediction over them. With chants of praise for Israel, a marching band and the blowing of scholars the procession wound through the streets of downtown Nairobi, ending up at its beautiful, and only Jewish Synagogue.

You would expect that this event would have been the highlight of our day, but it wasn't. The march started at a large park in downtown Nairobi, a park infamous as a hangout for homeless youth. While the speeches and preparations were being made for the march, many street kids were hovering around us, but one in particular caught my eye. He was a gaunt looking 13 year old boy, whom I sensed had a different spirit than the others. I introduced myself and we talked for a bit. He recounted his story of how he ended up on the street. Having the experience of dealing with the homeless of Toronto, I took most of what he said as a ploy to get me to feel sorry for him and give him money. However, I did feel sorry for him but not for the reason he wanted me too. I felt sorry because his life was being held hostage by Satan. I knew if I had handed him money I would have been swarmed by the 10 or more other boys who were intently, hovering around us a vultures would their pray. I did get to pray for him and then invited him to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior, which he did. Please pray for Morris, He received the greatest gift of all yesterday, the free gift of salvation. To God be the glory. 

In addition to the attached Parasha Emor, I have included the link to the sermon I shared with the Nairobi congregation last Shabbat.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Parasha Kedoshim

Shalom and blessings;

Ellen and I arrived in Kenya safely and have begun our ministering. We've already shared Yeshua with many people and have had one confirmed salvation, Glory to God. So much to tell you about what has been accomplished in the short time we've been here, but I'll save it for when we're back in Israel. I've attached this week Parasha plus the link to the sermon I shared here last Shabbat. We so appreciate you and are regularly praying for you.We have also come across a powerful prayer that we want to share with you. Ellen and I have begun praying it every morning. It's by Cindy Trimm:

How to pray the promises of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 in our lives: 

I am blessed in the city; I am blessed in the country, I am blessed in my sitting down, I am blessed in my arising, I am blessed socially, I am blessed physically, mentally, psychologically, I am blessed relationally, interpersonally, I am blessed physiologically. Every part of my life is blessed. I speak into my day and I download prosperity into my day, success into my day. I speak over those that I love, I speak prosperity and success over them. I speak to my government that they would come into divine alignment; that they would lead morally and ethically, I speak into my business, I speak that my business is successful, that we are increasing, that there is no decreasing. I speak into my home, that my home is a haven of peace. I speak into my loved ones, I speak that their lives come into alignment with God's will. I speak into my mind, peace. I speak into my heart, courage. I speak into my feet that they walk on God ordained paths so that I can overcome every obstacle. I am the head and not the tail, I am first and not last, I am above and not beneath, I am loved by God, I am chosen by God, I am protected by God. Today I will come into alignment with the plans and purposes of God. Every good and perfect gift comes from God. Today is my gift, therefore it will end perfect and it will end well. In Yeshua's name I pray. Amen 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.


Sermon - Purifying Presence of God

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Sermon - The Omer (from Kenya)

Shalom and Blessings;

For those of us who are living outside of Israel, you will not be receiving a D'var Torah from me this week. Because of the difference in D'var schedules between the diaspora and Israel, the Parasha being read this Shabbat is the one I wrote on last week, "Acharei Mot," please reread it for this week. Instead I am sending you the sermon I shared with our Kenyan congregations last Shabbat. To those who receive my D'var Torah teachings and live in Israel, to you I will be sending out Parasha Kedoshim Tuesday evening.

To open the sermon audio file, click on the link below. Drop Box will open. If you do not have Drop Box downloaded on your computer it's not necessary to download it to listen to the file. Simply click on the box that says "Continue to website." The audio file will open for your enjoyment.

God willing, Ellen and I leave for Kenya on Wednesday. I'll continue to send out the teachings from there, God willing as well. Please keep us in prayer; that God will bless our efforts and many souls will come into the Kingdom, that He will strengthen us, that He will protect us, that He will keep us healthy, that we will be a blessing, that we will find favor with everyone we come in contact with and that He will bring us home safely.

Blessings in Yeshua, our Lord, our God and soon coming King.

 Listen to sermon