Thursday, May 2, 2019

Sermon - The Omer (from Kenya)

Shalom and Blessings;

For those of us who are living outside of Israel, you will not be receiving a D'var Torah from me this week. Because of the difference in D'var schedules between the diaspora and Israel, the Parasha being read this Shabbat is the one I wrote on last week, "Acharei Mot," please reread it for this week. Instead I am sending you the sermon I shared with our Kenyan congregations last Shabbat. To those who receive my D'var Torah teachings and live in Israel, to you I will be sending out Parasha Kedoshim Tuesday evening.

To open the sermon audio file, click on the link below. Drop Box will open. If you do not have Drop Box downloaded on your computer it's not necessary to download it to listen to the file. Simply click on the box that says "Continue to website." The audio file will open for your enjoyment.

God willing, Ellen and I leave for Kenya on Wednesday. I'll continue to send out the teachings from there, God willing as well. Please keep us in prayer; that God will bless our efforts and many souls will come into the Kingdom, that He will strengthen us, that He will protect us, that He will keep us healthy, that we will be a blessing, that we will find favor with everyone we come in contact with and that He will bring us home safely.

Blessings in Yeshua, our Lord, our God and soon coming King.

 Listen to sermon

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