Thursday, May 23, 2019

Parasha Bahar

Shalom and Blessings from Kenya; 

We are well into our ministering here and the Lord has blessed us abundantly. Here is a review of what we have been doing. We ministered 2 Shabbats at the congregation we helped planted in Nairobi; helped negotiate a larger temporary location for them; been teaching two Bible studies a week; participated in the march for Israel where Morris, a street boy came to salvation; attended a church in a very underprivileged area of Nairobi (Kyole), where I was able to share the truth about what's taking place in Israel. As a result the pastor committed that the congregation would start praying for Israel, Baruch HaShem! We traveled to Karatina where we spent three day, from Erev Shabbat to Sunday ministering and teaching. It's here that God gained two beautiful souls; Ann and Naomi who is 98; glory to God! I've attached their pictures below. In addition 12 people rededicated their lives to Yeshua. When we left Karatina we went to visit the home of two congregants where we prayed and and affixed mezuzot on their doors, pictures also attached. We will be ministering in Nairobi this Shabbat then we'll be travelling approximately 5 hours west to Miguri where I'll be sharing, preaching and teaching to pastors in the area, who were formally associated with the cult, Church Of God. Our main focus there will be with Pastor Evans who will be our host. His church is very active and it's there where we'll be visiting with the orphans his church cares for. Please keep us in prayer, this is a notorious malaria area.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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