Saturday, December 28, 2019

Parasha Miketz & Sermons

Shalom and blessings

Concerning my condition; I am taking a new round of antibiotics, number three. Wednesday I had a CT scan to see if the doctors had focused in on the right cause of my illness. They have already ruled out Malaria and Tuberculosis, but have not definitively confirmed Pneumonia. The results of the test showed what appeared to be a serious infection in my lung but they could not pinpoint exactly what it is. I have been referred to a pulmonary specialist in the hospital and I am awaiting an appointment confirmation. Ellen and I feel your prayers and know that through them God is working in our lives. 

Will Israel ever get out of the secular quagmire it is in; a rhetorical question because we know that God is eventually going to "Drain the Swamp." For months, if not years, Netanyahu has been promising to annex the Jordan Valley. Yet again this week for the umpteenth time, he has come up with an excuse to postpone it again. His excuse: "Out of fear that the move would further offend and antagonize The Hague." This seems to be Israel's MO; they would much rather offend the Lord than offend the world stage. Was this not the same mindset that caused Israel's destruction in history past? 

In the past I was critical of those who celebrated December 24th as Yeshua's birthday, primarily because of the day's pagan roots and the historical circumstance that attached His birth to this day. Sadly my shortsightedness had the effect of alienating some of my Christian friends and in a few cases drove a wedge between families. I repent and ask forgiveness for it. I realize now how beautiful it is that the world takes one day out of the year to celebrate Yeshua. It doesn't matter if they are secular or even of another religion, whether they see it as a shopping Day or a gift giving day, the name Jesus is being heard and spoken wherever you go, even here in Israel, and that is glorious. It really doesn't matter when Yeshua was born, what matters is that He was born and on that day Light entered into a dark world. Is that not the theme of Hanukkah as well? Ellen and I celebrate Yeshua's birth every day, so let us join together, Messianic Jews and Christian, as One New Man in Messiah and with one heart declare, "Yom- Huledet Sameach (Happy Birthday)" and Hag Hanukkah Sameach Jesus because He is the reason for the season!"

Do not forget to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

I have attached this week's Parasha, Miketz, as well as part 1 and 2 of the sermon series I shared in Kenya on Joseph. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Read Parasha

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Parasha Vayshev

Shalom and blessings;

It seems that I underestimated the severity of my illness. I have been battling pneumonia for three weeks now and I am on my second round of antibiotics with only slight improvement in my condition. When I questioned my doctor about it her response was, "This is not a cold Jack it is pneumonia. Recovery could take a month followed by a possible two months of recuperation." 

So where to from here? First, it is looking more and more like we will not be able to attend the Rabbi's conference in the U.S.A. to represent Kenya, a huge disappointment. But we serve an awesome God, and He made a way. He arranged for an elder couple in the Nairobi congregation to be granted visas to the U.S., after being turned down on their first attempt; God always makes a way. God foreknew that we would not make it, so He opened another door so that Kenya can still be represented at the conference. Our tickets are non-transferable or refundable, so we cannot help. This is a huge expense for them, so if God puts it on your heart to help, let us know and we will apply the amount to their expenses, but you must specify it as being for conference expenses. Please pray for Akiva and Hannah, as they travel for the first time to the States. Pray that they find favor with everyone they encounter and build lasting relationships with the Rabbis they will be meeting for the first time. It feels so strange for us not to be there with them to help them navigate through the conference with them. I guess God felt that it was time for the children to grow up and experience Messianic Judaism outside of Kenya without Ellen and Jack being there for support. 

For years Prime Minister Netanyahu had been fending off attacks from the Left. The Leftist news media have not given him a moments rest; false accusations, fake news and negative reporting. Yet despite their relentless pursuit of him, he still managed to run the country into its greatest boom in decades. But the Left never gives up in trying to destroy the Right. No matter how good he has been for the country, for them, he is not serving their social and political agenda, so he must go. The frenzy has now reached into his own party, the Likud, and for fear that he might be a detriment to their winning the next election, they are holding a leadership conference December 26, to try to replace him as party leader. The next national election has been called for March 2, 2020.

The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) is having its moral fabric chipped away piece by piece. First they gave in to allowing homosexuals serve and now they are offering veganism as an alternate lifestyle. Soldiers can now opt not to wear leather, or any uniforms made from animals products, like wool. They also have the option of being served vegan meals. We know that Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord, but also, nowhere in Scripture is veganism encouraged, in fact it is discouraged. Every religion, including Yoga that practices veganism is idolatrous. This conjures up visions of Balak and Balaam. The only way the army of Israel could be defeated then, was if they sinned and God turned away from them. The IDF has been invincible in the Middle East because God watches over them. Our enemy the devil is using Balaam's method of sending in compromises to cause the IDF to sin. If he continues to succeed, God will turn away from them as He turned so long ago. Let us pray for the Israeli military. 

Checkout our Blog ( and pass on the teachings: 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Parasha Vayislach & Sermons

Shalom and Blessings;

As I reported last week, I've been very sick and unable to do much… never thought I would be able to get this commentary out, but with God's help I did. The doctor suspected that I might have contracted malaria due to the proximity of my sickness to our return from Kenya and the type of symptoms I was displaying. However, after further tests and a chest x-Ray, I was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on a round of antibiotics. Can't tell you how relieved Ellen and I were when we were told it was pneumonia and not malaria. Believe it or not we started praising God and thanking Him for pneumonia; never thought we'd ever do that.

Kenya has been experiencing very heavy rain. Roads have been washed away along with people and their homes. Sadly there were many deaths. Crops too have been destroyed. The children's home in Migori suffered rain-damage to two classrooms. After government inspection they were declared unsafe and ordered demolished. The home also lost many of its crops to field flooding. This is going to put a hardship on the home, not only have they lost their own production of food but because of the wide spread field damage throughout the nation, the price of food is going to rise. 

We have booked our flight to Kenya for Passover. We arrive March 31st and return May 12th. We're excited to be able to get back there to teach and to preach. Passover is a very special and significant Feast for believers in Yeshua and Ellen and I have a special experience in store for them. Pray for the success of the Passover, we are also using it as an outreach to churches in the area. 

This week not only have I included the commentary on Parasha Vayishlach but I have also included 3 additional sermons shared with Kenya. 

Do not forget to checkout our Blog ( and pass on the teachings.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our God, our Lord, our soon coming King!

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha Vayislach

Sermon: The Rock is Back.
The Price is Right
The Ten Days of Awe

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Parasha Vayetze

Shalom and Blessings;

I came down with a bad cold and have been under the weather since Tuesday. We expected visitors this week so I prepared the weekly commentary early, Monday. Happily so, because I would not have been able to do it otherwise. We had to cancel our guest but I'm still able to send out this week's teaching. Thank you for your prayers.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

Friday, November 29, 2019

Parasha Toldot

Shalom and blessings;
 Listen to "Elul a month to reflect"

Our return to Israel has been anything but quiet. Since we have been home there have been 2-3 violations of the cease fire agreement with the Islamic Jihad and last night (Nov. 26), at midnight, the sirens went off in our city sending us scurrying to our safe room. In the morning we found out that a rocket landed on a building under construction. Thank God, because of the late hour no one was at the site, the building however sustained damage. 

I started my series of follow-up cancer doctor visits. The first one was with the ENT doctor, followed by a visit to the oncologist, both gave me a clean bill of health; all glory belongs to God. In December I will be 2 ½ years cancer free; PRAISE THE LORD. My life has truly been a testimony to the faithfulness of God. I went from stage four malignant throat cancer, to being miraculously healed, to getting a second chance at ministering for the Lord in Kenya; what an awesome God we serve!

Moses from Liberia attended services on Shabbat at Melech Yisrael Nairobi with a friend as promised. We communicated over WhatsApp that evening and all indication is that they both enjoyed the services and will be returning. We look forward to hearing more from them. Our meeting Moses was definitely a divine appointment. Please pray for Moses and Joshua.

We have a number of things in the works for Kenya, first is the Passover Seder; it is proceeding nicely. Ellen and I are finalizing our travel dates for our return trip to Kenya and are busy looking for comfortable but inexpensive accommodations in Karatina and Nairobi. We are about to commission the building of a website for the Nairobi and Karatina congregations (one site for both). There are many congregations in Kenya that call themselves Messianic, but are not, which have websites. Now with the help of donations, we have the means to build our own site so that those who are looking for true Messianic Jewish congregations can find us. Please pray for God's wisdom in building the site. Next week, God willing, we will be sending the orphanage the funds necessary to buy school books for the upper 3 grades. The timing works out perfectly, schools are on summer break in Kenya and because of your generosity books will now be available for all grades when classes resume in January. 

At our own expense, Ellen and I will be travelling to the States to represent Kenya at the annual International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues Rabbi's Conference in January. You will recall that Melech Yisrael applied and was accepted as members; a big step forward in our legitimacy and accountability. Of course we will also be taking the opportunity to stay and visit with family and friends. We will be sharing Yeshua with everyone who will listen as we travel so lease pray for a safe and successful journey.

I have attached additional links to audio copies of sermons shared while in Kenya; pass them on if you like them. Also check out our Blog and pass on the teachings.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read the Parasha
Read the Parasha

Listen to "Elul a month to reflect"
 Listen to the sermon
Listen to "Living Water"
 Listen to Measuring your trust in God
 Listen to "Measuring your trust in God"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parasha Chayei Sarah

Shalom and Blessings;

Ellen and I safely arrived back in Israel, praise the Lord! For the most part, I was told, that the Islamic Jihad group and Hamas have stopped firing their rockets at us. I did however; just hear a loud boom in the distance towards Gaza which definitely indicates that something is going on. Plus there is heated conflict in the north with Syria which has stirred up the anger of Russia. Only God knows where that will lead; hopefully to the return of Messiah Yeshua! 

Our final Shabbat in Nairobi was glorious. It started out a bit rocky, however. The management of the school where we hold our services scheduled a wedding on the grounds directly next to the tent we use, without giving us any prior notice. They even gave them the use of the tent! 

We start our services between 10:00-11:00 a.m. and the caterers wanted to set up in our space before 1:00 p.m. We probably could have shortened our service and made it in time, but we had already scheduled a special dedication to the Lord of 3 of our children. This was to be followed by a special oneg (refreshments). We were told to use the small classroom where we used to hold our services and which we have outgrown, so we were not too happy about that. Seeing however, we had already set up in the tent, we decided at Ellen's suggestion, to have a shortened service, followed by the dedication of the children and then move to the classroom, for my sermon and closing of the service. It was a beautiful day so we set up our tables outside the classroom for the oneg. Despite the challenge of having to split the service everything went brilliantly. However, the experience did drive home the necessity for us to look for a place of our own. We are counting on God, who owns all the gold and silver in the mountains, to supply the necessary finances for that and to find us the perfect space (please pray). I have attached a picture of the dedicated children. 

Do you remember a number of week's back, I told you about 3 Liberians we met on a walk to our area supermarket in Nairobi? Tuesday, on our final excursion out to the market, we were stopped by one of the 3 walking towards us. Ellen and I would have passed him right by, not recognizing him, but he recognized us. We were so happy to greet each other and blessed that the Lord arranged this meeting. We stopped and talked for a time, exchanged contact information and prayed together. He is a Christian and we invited him to attend Melech Yisrael. Our elder Akiva has already contacted him and will be picking him up for services. Please pray for Moses, Kevin and Rolland; they need a place to worship and fellowship, a place where the truth is taught, God willing they will appreciate Messianic worship and choose to settle in with us. 

We had an interesting encounter at the airport in Ethiopia. Ellen met a group of 60 Christians who were on our flight to Israel; they were coming to evangelize! Needless to say Ellen prayed for them and she gave a few our contact information. Hopefully we will hear from them before they leave. Please pray for the group from Iris Global, a missionary NGO. 

Checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings.

All our love,

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, Our God, our Lord, our soon coming King

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

 Read Parasha

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Parasha Vayera

Shalom and blessings;

This is our final Shabbat in Kenya. We hit the ground in ministering and having Erev Shabbat with an Elder couple of the congregation in, Limuru a suburb of Nairobi. On Shabbat we ministered at the Nairobi congregation. That Sunday we drove seven hours to the orphanage over treacherous roads. There we blessed, prayed, ministered, taught, played with the children and inspected that the donations we gave them were used for the purposes intended. While there we had 4 confirmed new salvations and 30 rededications among the children. After our time in Migori we drove back another seven hours to Nairobi, where we presided over Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur services, as well as Shabbat services. Sukkot services were held In Karatina Town located two and a half hours north of Nairobi in the foot hills of Mt. Kenya. We had an amazing time there as people from the surrounding fellowships in Nyeri and Chaka joined with us for services and to shake our makeshift Lulov and Etrog (a large lemon). Back in Nairobi we started visiting congregation member’s homes praying over them, affixing mezuzahs, fellowshipping, eating and blessing the families. We took a segway one Sunday and visited a church in the suburb of Kayole. The congregation was such an encouragement and the praise and worship although loud was uplifting. I have attached a video clip so that you can experience it for yourself. The balance of our time in Nairobi has been taken up with Bible study, Shabbat services, more visitation and personal counseling. At one of the homes we visited both mother and son was celebrating their birthdays. We brought a cake and experienced a Kenyan tradition that was new for us; I’ve attached pictures.

I am writing this update after teaching our final Bible study, it is 10:45 pm here, Ellen is sleeping, and I’m lamenting having to leave these wonderful people. As I look back over the weeks, I’m amazed at what God has accomplished through us this trip. With His help we have been a spiritual blessing to many and with your help we have been a financial blessing to many – thank you. Please continue to pray for the Messianic Believers in Kenya, they need our help and support.

Passover plans have been finalized, we have prepared a flier which we will be sending to select churches and Christian friends of the congregation, inviting them to join us and experience a real traditional Passover; I’ve attached a copy of the flier. 

Ellen and I are anxious to get back home. During this scary and difficult time in Israel, with rockets being fired from Gaza by the hundreds, we have attempted to minister to our unsaved friends over WhatsApp. Nothing, however, is a substitute for us being there, hugging them comforting them and encouraging them in the Lord. Please continue to pray for Israel, her people and the Jewish people in general, without Yeshua in their lives, they have no hope.

God willing, next week’s D’var Torah will be sent from Israel. Remember to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings.

All our love

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Parasha Lech Lecha

Shalom and Blessings;

This week we had a blessed Shabbat; the weather has improved so the tent roof was not leaking. I am going through a sermon series on the life of Joseph and this Shabbat I will be teaching part 3 of 4. I will share the teaching with you at the end of the series.

Our Wednesday night Bible study is going very well. As I shared before, we are studying in the book of Ecclesiastes. Considering the distances people have to travel, and the difficulty in travelling within the city, especially during rush hours 4-8 pm, the study is well attended.

Sunday we visited a church in the Nairobi suburb of Kayole. We know the Pastor and his wife from our previous visit in February. The Kayole area is one little notch above a slum, so we made sure we were escorted by Dov, an elder at Kehilat Melech Yisrael, Nairobi. The church is small but they definitely have a heart for Israel and a desire to learn about their Messianic Jewish roots. I have attached a picture of the childrens' Sunday school.

We are moving ahead on our plans for Passover. We will be holding the Passover Seder and services in the rural city of Karatina, where Kehilat Melech Yisrael Karatina meets. It is a 2.5 hr. drive by bus from Nairobi, but a trip that everyone is used to making because the two congregations fellowship together often. The venue is a local hotel which has a large meeting room and offers catering services. The menu will be typically Kenyan: vegetarian soup, Samaki (a whole Tilapia fish, cooked Kenyan style), ugali (kind of like white corn polenta), fruit cup, milk tea, coffee and of course all the traditional Passover condiments, some of which we will bring from Israel. Many people will have to be subsidized in order to attend. Even though, according to western standards, the price of the meal is quite reasonable, to Kenyans, especially those with 4-5 children, the amount can be prohibitive; we are counting on your generosity so that no one will be left out.

Our time here is nearly over and everyone is sad that we soon have to leave. Please pray for the congregations and their leadership (Dov, Akiva, Hannah, Tovah and Amos), attendance tends to drop off when we are not here. Thank you for keeping me and Ellen in prayer, our leaving is as hard for us as it is for them. God willing we will be able to come back in March.

Checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Sermons: "Carnal Believer", "Cold Heart" & "Sukkot Day 2019"

Shalom. Ellen and I send you our love and blessings;

I have attached links to 3 sermons I shared with our congregations in Kenya. Trust you will enjoy and grow from them.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

Friday, November 1, 2019

Parasha Noach

Shalom and blessings;

Time seems to be flying by; we have only 19 days left in Kenya. Even though we have accomplished much, there is still much to do. We continue to have weekly Shabbat services and Bible studies with the Nairobi congregation. The Karatina congregation is participating by way of listening over WhatsApp, which is followed up by sending them the audio recordings. Right now we are organizing a Passover Seder by working on venues as well as finances for the event. This Sunday we were invited back to a small church in the working class suburb of Kayole. It is not a place where Ellen and I can go alone so we are bringing an Elder from Kehilah Melech Yisrael (KMY) with us. Please pay that we will be a blessing. Previously I sent a video of the congregation and its location from when we visited in February.

Last week Ellen’s cell phone malfunctioned and we had to bring it in for repair. Ellen and I prayed that the Lord would lead us to the perfect repair shop. We were directed by a friend to the Samsung store at a nearby mall, but they did not have a tech on staff and we were redirected to another store some distance away. Then we noticed a kiosk that advertised phone repair; the owner turned out to be an expat Israeli from Eilat; God is so good!

Now that the High Holy Days are over we have been doing home visitations for the purpose of praying with and for the members of KMY. We have been anointing homes and affixing mezuzahs on doorposts. It is customary in Kenya to feed your guests, and it is taken as an insult if you refuse their food. We try to visit multiple homes in one day so you can imagine that we are well fed by the end of the day. Travelling is also a challenge because of poor road conditions and is some cases no road at all, just a mud path. Plus we have to rely on Uber to get us around; security is also an issue and we always bring a local member of KMY with us.

The orphanage received their school books and was so blessed. Once we are able to supply them with books for their upper grades, we were told by the directors that they will apply for recognition from the local office of the Board of Education. Please pray for God to release the finances necessary for more books and that the school will find favor with the local authorities. I have attached pictures.

Michael, the elderly man who was attacked by thugs last week, lived up to his promise and attended services on Shabbat. It was a new experience for him because we were celebrating Efrat becoming Bat Mitzvah. Efrat did beautifully. She chanted the Haftarah blessings in Hebrew and then read her Haftarah portion in English. We were all so proud of her. Please pray that she will continue to grow in her faith and in her relationship with Yeshua; pictures attached.

We are so appreciative of your prayers and financial support. In our small way we are all making a BIG difference. May God bless you for it! If you know of anyone that may appreciate reading about what we are doing in Kenya and would like to receive my Torah commentaries, ask permission and send me their email address and we will add them to our e-contact list; TODA (Thank You).

Checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Parasha B'resheet

Shalom and blessings;

Now that the High Holy Days are over, Ellen and I continue to minister to the congregations in Kenya. 

Last Shabbat an injured, elderly man heard our praise and worship walking on the road outside the kehilah and came to join us in the service. His head was bandaged and it was easy to see that he was in distress. Everyone in the kehilah welcomed him warmly and we all prayed for him. He had been beaten by thugs and needed help to buy medication prescribed by the hospital. He sat through service and at the end we invited him to receive Yeshua as his Lord and Savior; he did praise the Lord! We verified his prescription and collected money to buy what he needed, with a little extra to spend on food for him and his family. We did not give him the cash. A congregant volunteered to go with him to the pharmacy and then to the market. He was extremely grateful and we expect to see him back this Shabbat. Please pray for Michael. 

The Shemini Atzeret/ Simcha Torah services on Monday were glorious. This was the first of such a service experienced here in Nairobi and it was well attended; many from the Karatina congregation joined us. The kids were blessed when it came time for the candy toss and scrambled to collect them after the service. They also participated in rolling back the small Torah Amos brought from Karatina; pictures attached.

This Shabbat we have Efrat becoming Bat Mitzvah, I will include pictures with next week’s update.

We were able to provide the orphanage with enough money, $1,105.00 U.S., to buy school books for 3 grades; still 3 grades to go. With the $530.00 U.S. we gave them previously, they were able to complete the septic tank; a giant step forward towards them getting their government approval; pictures attached.

We have already started planning our Passover Seder and return trip to Kenya in March, God Willing. Please keep that effort in prayer.

Remember to checkout our blog and pass on the teachings.

 Read Parasha

Friday, October 18, 2019

Parasha Sukkot

Shalom and blessings;

Ellen and I are doing well, God is with us and we are accomplishing much for His Glory. The Erev Sukkot services we held in Karatina were a delight. It was a new experience for everyone including me and Ellen. Sukkot Day Service was also a blessing and well attended. Many people from the surrounding areas, Believers, joined us and the presence of the Lord moved in the hearts of all, as we prayed, sang, rejoiced and recited the devotions from the PowerPoint. Everyone willing had an opportunity to shake the Lulav that we assembled from a palm heart we brought from Migori (palm trees do not grow in or around Karatina), rosemary instead of myrtle and a large lemon in-place of an Etrog. After services we all went to Amos and Ruthie's home to share a typical Kenyan meal (milk tea, gipate, mandazie, boiled arrowroot and local fruits). Amos had erected a sukkah and of course we spent time in it praying, and taking pictures. I have included some below. 

Our Wednesday night Bible study is proceeding well as we delve into the Book of Ecclesiastes, verse by verse.

Yesterday we went to a local hospital to pray for the brother of one of our congregants who experienced kidney failure and a lung infection. Please keep Philip and his wife Lucy in your prayers. Philip came to the Lord during our last trip here; however, his wife Lucy has still not made that commitment. 

This week we plan on starting home visitations to pray over homes and affix Mezzuahs on doorposts.

Next Shabbat, the 26th, we will be having a Bat Mitzvah at the Kehila in Nairobi. Please keep Eunice, known in Israel as Efrat, in prayer. I will send pictures with next week's update. 

Ellen and I continue to pray for you and thank you for your prayers and financial support, together we are making a difference here in Kenya. 

Remember to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

Friday, October 11, 2019

Parasha Ha'azinu & Sermon: The price is Right

Shalom and Blessings

This has been a glorious and spirit filled High Holy Day season at the kehilah (congregation) in Nairobi. Yom Teruah was totally inspiring and both Erev (evening) and Day services were filled with the power and presence of God. Yom Kippur revealed the Awesomeness of God, as His presence was felt in both services. Our kehilah here had never experienced a Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur as they experienced this year. We pray that we have set an example for them for all the coming years until Messiah returns.

We are having tremendous success with our Bible study on the Book of Ecclesiastes, as the Lord opens up new understand of King Solomon's wisdom for us. During the waiting period between the end of the Yom Kippur service and the start of the Ne'ilah service I was able to continue the study, which we began the Wednesday night before. We will be continuing teaching every Wednesday night until we have covered the entire book and then if necessary we will start another study as God leads. Ellen and I are committed to growing those who are willing, spiritually.

This Sunday we leave for Karatina, a rural city to the north of Nairobi, to celebrate Sukkot with the kehilah there and with the fellowships which have sprung up in the surrounding area of Mt. Kenya. We have not been able to buy an Etrog here, the local synagogue in Nairobi only had sufficient for them. However, we can cut our own Lulov (palm tree heart), willow branches and use another aromatic plant in place of myrtle, which is not available here. We will have to substitute the Etrog for a large lemon.

We were once again able to bless the orphanage compound in Migori with funds to construct a new septic tank. The old one was just a hole in the ground which was unsanitary, contaminated their well water and was very problematic. The new tank will be constructed of concrete with reinforcing steel covered with a concrete lid so that it can be pumped out and the contents hauled away and properly disposed of, in accordance with the Ministry of Health's requirements. It also brings the orphanage compound one step closer to being compliant. We have also received estimates for the purchase of school books and supplies for the children. Even though we have not as yet accumulated the total amount necessary, we will be sending what we have so at least the teachers, who are volunteers, can accommodate some of the classes.

We thank you for your kindness and generosity in helping facilitate this ministry in Kenya and most of all we thank you for your prayerful support. God is hearing you and He's blessing!

Attached you will find this week's D'Var Torah (commentary), on Parasha Ha'azinu as well as a link to the sermon I shared with the congregations in Nairobi and Karatina on Yom Kippur Day.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Read Parasha

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sermon: The Ten Days of Awe

Shalom and blessings;

Attached is the sermon I shared with the congregation in Nairobi last Shabbat for the Days of Awe. Pray it will be a blessing.

This morning on our way walking to the market, we were approached by a teenage street boy begging for money. We're not in the habit of giving money to street people but we asked him if he was hungry, of course he was. There was a pizza shop right across the street at a gas station and we went there with him. While waiting for the pizza to be made, we took the opportunity to witness to him. When asked he said he knew Jesus, but just to make sure we asked if he would invite him into his heart again. He did and we prayed together. Please keep David in your prayers.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

 Listen to Sermon

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Parsha Vayelech & Sermon: The Rock is Back

Shalom and blessings;

Ellen and I are doing well, God is moving through us and with us, opening doors that we could never have opened on our own. I will explain more as things unfold.

Last week I mentioned the 4 new salvation's we had while at the orphanage in Migori but I neglected to mention their names so that you can pray for them. Please remember James, Yosef, Norman and Miriam in your prayers.

The Yom Teruah services were blessed and a blessing. We thank God for the turnout and the wonderful move of the spirit as we had corporate repentance and worship. 

I've attached a link to the sermon I gave Monday, Yom Teruah day as well as a link to a video from Erev Yom Teruah. Also find attached the D'var Torah commentary for this week's Parasha, Vayelech.

Last Shabbat was great and this week we begin our Bible study series on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ellen and I can not express the joy we have in celebrating the Feasts of the Lord and teaching here in Kenya. We send you our love and appreciation,

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Remember to check out our blog:

 Read Parasha

 Listen to Sermon

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Parasha Nitzavim

Shalom and blessings;

With God's grace we arrived safely in Kenya Wednesday night after an uneventful flight from Israel; that's the way you want your flights to be, uneventful. We started our ministering almost immediately with Erev Shabbat at the home of Akiva and Hannah, elders of the congregation in Nairobi. Saturday morning, together with the congregation elders, we led the Shabbat services in Nairobi. It was such a blessing to see and experience the new PowerPoint projector. Finally the words of the liturgy and of the songs were legible even in the bright sunlight. The congregation is so appreciative of your demonstration of love towards them. 

Perhaps you remember me saying that we were accepted as member of the IAMCS (International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues), well Shabbat I presented the congregation with the official certificate of membership. This was a true milestone for this congregation of Kenyans who have embraced the God of Israel and Torah centered Messianic Judaism. Now we are part of an international organization with all the privileges that come along with it.

Sunday morning we left for Migori where the orphanage is located, a grueling 7 hour drive over two lane, treacherous roads used by large transport trucks hauling goods to and from Uganda. Thanks to Akiva's driving, and of course the grace of God we arrived safely. Monday morning we stopped on the way to the orphanage to pick up loaves of bread and a few other items for the children. We already had assorted gifts for them and sweet treats, which they rarely get. The children were so loving and excited to see us again, needless to say Ellen and I were also overjoyed. The day started with a teaching on the significance of the High Holy Days and how to celebrate them. I can't tell you how eager the leadership was to learn, asked many questions. After lunch I started a Bible study on the Minor Prophets. In the evening we drove into town with the homes directors to purchase 60kg of rice and 50kg of beans for their food pantry. Tuesday morning we were back at the orphanage. The day started with Akiva and Hannah teaching the children and adults about Yeshua and His plan of salvation. They spoke in Swahili so that those who had limited English could understand. I then led the group in a prayer of repentance and salvation. I did it in short sentences, Akiva translated into Swahili as the children and adults repeated the prayer. We had prayed with the children previously but we wanted to reaffirm their relationship with the God of Israel, Wednesday we were back at the home ministering. We shared the Gospel with 4 unsaved adults, all of whom received Yeshua as their Lord and Savior; God is so good!

The home has so many needs. There are very few school book for the classes and 3-4 students are having to share; the old mattresses are a mess and many beds are even without; food is a real issue and a never ending requirement. The home has taken in a number of single parent children, and are feeding them and housing them because their parents can't support them. They need a clean water system; right now they have to carry water from the nearby river, which has to be boiled and chlorinated before they can use it, even then, it is suspect. With the funds we've received we can supply some of the needs. but sadly not all of them. However, despite all that they lack, God has given them a special joy. If the Lord puts it on your heart, please help us meet more of the children's home needs. Here is another way you can help. If you know anyone who would be blessed by receiving these updates and my Torah commentaries, after asking permission, send me their email address and I will add them to the list of recipients. 

Ellen and I wish you a blessed, healthy and prosperous Shana Tova (New Year). Sunday night at sunset begins the year 5780 on the Hebrew calendar, may it be a years of accelerated spiritual growth in all our lives. 

I've attached this week's Parasha, trust it will be a blessing to you. Please feel free to share the teachings and our blog address with anyone you think may be blessed by it.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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