Elul Day 15
In prior verses from Song of Songs we learned that the Shulamite did not think much of herself, she had low self-esteem. Her Beloved, however, builds her up comparing her beauty to one of Pharaoh's chariot horses. When we understand that Song of Songs is a love story between Yeshua and His Bride, the Church, we get a picture of how Satan attempts to put us down by making us feel inadequate and self-conscious. But once Yeshua expresses His love for His Bride, she is revived and her love for her Beloved is awakened!
Songs 1:12, "While the king is at his table, my spikenard sends forth its fragrance." 13) "A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, that lies all night between my breasts."
The Bride is sitting at the Kings table, presumably at the marriage feast, and her love for Him is sending forth a smell of fragrant spikenard. Spikenard was a chief ingredient in ointments used to anoint guests. We see Mary pouring it on Yeshua's feet in John 12:3 as an act of worship, here too what is being expressed is the worshiping of the King by His Bride. In verse 13 the Bride expresses her strong love and affection for her Beloved. Myrrh is both a perfume and an embalming spice but here the Bride is referring to sprigs of myrrh flowers made into a bundle which she says she holds between her breasts at night. This expresses that even at night the Bride holds the sweet love of her Beloved on her heart. It is amazing how beautiful Yeshua is when we take our eyes off ourselves, our inadequacies and self-consciousness and put them on Him.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua our Lord, our God, our soon coming King
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Thank you for the teachings Rabbi, May the LORD grant you full recovery.