Shir Hashirim is the Hebrew name of the Song of Songs, aka Song of Solomon. It is the best of the best of all he wrote and according to I Kings 4:23, he wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. He is most known for Solomon's Temple which has 3 sections. The Outer Court, The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Proverbs is likened to the Outer Court – everyone is comfortable there in the natural light.
Ecclesiastes is likened to the Holy Place – you need more light to see and ingest the bread of the words. The Song of Songs is as the Holy of Holies where you are invited in, one at a time, on God's fixed appointed time
Ecclesiastes is a description of 'vanity of vanities,' whereas the Song of Solomon is the 'song of songs.' Ecclesiastes speaks of a life of wandering; whereas the Song of Songs speaks of rest from wandering. Ecclesiastes tells us that one cannot obtain satisfaction through knowledge alone; Song of Songs tells us that man can reach satisfaction only through love. Ecclesiastes relates to the pursuit of all things under the sun; the Song of Songs specifically relates to the pursuit of things "in Messiah."
"Draw Me!" is the cry of Elul. Another year approaches and again we are too busy, the little foxes have come in as the many distractions and obligations and our intimacy with our Beloved has been stolen. It's our fault alone, the garden of our heart is our responsibility alone. Our heart's cry to Yeshua needs to be "Draw me!" That is where the true rest is found, only in Him. Is your cry today "Draw me?" Selah, pause and think about it.
Prayer: "Yeshua, Draw me! Please, lift me up from this pit of busyness and distractions I have dug again for myself. Draw me! I have lost hope and my faith is weak! Draw me! May all the walls I have built up for protection fall down flat. Those walls have closed off our intimacy! Draw me! I need You."
Yours in Messiah Yeshua our Lord, our God, our soon coming King
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